A summary of basic information about your health which might be important if you need urgent medical care when your GP surgery is closed is made available to help doctors and nurses treating you. The information is copied from your record and stored electronically using the highest standards of security so that it can be found quickly when needed.
Emergency Care Summary 
If you become ill when your doctor’s surgery is closed you, or the person phoning on your behalf, may be asked by doctors and staff at NHS 24, Out of Hours Medical Centres or A & E Departments whether they can access certain information in your patient record such as
- Your name
- Your date of birth
- The name of your GP surgery
- An identifying number called a CHI number
- Information about any medicines prescribed by your GP
- Any bad reactions you’ve had to medicines that your GP knows about.
NHS Tayside Electronic Health Record 
In addition to the above, in Tayside information such as important illnesses, operations, allergies, height, weight and recent blood pressure measurements is also available to doctors and staff at , Out of Hours Medical Centres, A & E Departments and if you are receiving care in an NHS Tayside hospital.
Only NHS staff directly involved in your medical care will be allowed to look at either your Emergency Care Summary or Electronic Health Record. They will not be able to see your full patient record.
However if you do not want the above doctors and staff to have access to this information please let a receptionist at the practice know.
More information is contained in leaflets which are available from practice reception or can be downloaded from here -