Forms (Insurance Forms, Income Protection etc)
Please help the doctor by filling in the appropriate details before passing to the reception staff i.e. name. address, and dates of absence/illness. It may take up to seven days to complete these forms and there is normally a charge to cover administration costs.
Change of Personal Details
Should you change your name, address or telephone number please let the reception staff know. If you move outside the practice area it will be necessary for you to find a doctor in your new area.
It is the Practice policy not to provide references for employment or bank purposes.
Insurance Certification
Should your illness involve absence from work of less than 7 days you do not require a medical certificate. However your employer may require you to complete a self-certificate (Form SC2) available from your employer or downloadable from Please note there is no requirement for a doctor to sign this form therefore an appointment for this purpose is not required.
Teaching of Medical and Nursing Students
The Erskine Practice is involved with the education and traning of medical and nursing students. We would be grateful if you would accept them as part of the practice. The doctor will inform you if a student is in attendance. They will ask you if you are agreeable to them staying during the consultation. You have the right to decline. The students are the doctors and nurses of the future and practical experience is invaluable for them. Please help and encourage them as much as possible.
Repeat Prescriptions
These we undertake to have ready for collection 2 working days after ordering. We will review repeat prescriptions on a regular basis.
When the Erskine Practice is unable to provide you with the service that you need, we undertake to refer you to other locally based services or hospitals.
Disabled Patients
We endeavour to have easy access to our premises for disabled patients.
Listening to our Patients
We will be interested to hear of any suggestions you may have for an improvement to our services. Please click here for more information
Often lifestyle changes will do more to promote health than medication. Advice and literature is available from most members of our health care team.